التصنيف: Pregnancy problems

  • Incompetent cervix

    The cervix is normally closed during pregnancy and opens at labor. Sometimes there is a defect in the cervix leading to its widening and thus abortion or premature labor might occur. This happens due to operations in the cervix, infection, previous complicated vaginal delivery or injuring the cervix during a vaginal procedure. The doctor performs cervical…

  • Molar pregnancy

    It is a rare but dangerous complication. It occurs when there is a problem in the sperm or ovum leading to formation of defected conceptus. There is complete mole where there is a placenta and no fetus caused by a sperm fertilizing an empty ovum. There is also an incomplete mole where there is a defected…

  • Ectopic pregnancy

    Ectopic pregnancy

    It is a pregnancy that implanted outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy usually happen in the fallopian tube and rarely in cervix or abdominal cavity. An ectopic pregnancy can’t survive, and the growing tissue may destroy various maternal structures and also cause internal hemorrhage.

  • Placenta praevia

    Placenta praevia

    Normally the placenta is formed at the upper part of the uterus, sometimes the placenta is formed at the lower part of the uterus and part of it or all of it is covering the cervix. This is a dangerous situation as it might lead cause the placenta to bleed from cervix. It can be diagnosed…

  • Intrauterine growth retardation

    Intrauterine growth retardation

    The growth retarded baby presents with less than expected size either at labor or at time of ultrasonography. It is diagnosed by the doctor when he is doing his routine ultrasonography or a previous history of delivering a growth retarded baby

  • Premature labor

    Premature labor

    It occurs when a baby is delivered before 36 weeks of pregnancy. Factors that lead to premature labor are e.g. premature rupture of your membranes, weak cervix, and placenta separation. The baby is not yet ready to face life outside the mother’s uterus in terms of respiration, temperature control and bleeding, liver function and infections. So…

  • Gestational diabetes

    Gestational diabetes

    It is a kind of diabetes that occurs only in pregnancy. If a pregnant woman gets gestational diabetes there would be increased risks during her pregnancy like: abortion, bleeding, fetal problems like fetal death or increased fetal size or increase in amniotic fluid volume. A doctor can follow up with sonography and laboratory tests of glucose…