Fertility Check up

A thorough diagnosis is what Dr. Ashraf Sabry is known for . From the first visit a diagnosis plan is formed to provide all information needed to reach a correct diagnosis and then a treatment plan.

How is Fertility Check up done ?

  • Asking some questions in the first visit to know the the partner’s age and medical and surgical status and habits and work and lifestyle.
  • Checking the female partner’s ability to produce an egg for pregnancy monthly through hormone and ultrasound checkup of ovulation and ovarian reserve.
  • Checking the uterus readiness to host an embryo through checking the cavity using ultrasound and hysteroscopy or sonosalpingography.
  • Checking the egg ability to reach uterus through fallopian tube through checking the tubal patency by sonosalpingography or laparoscopy.
  • Checking the pelvis for any problems like endometriosis or adhesions using ultrasound or laparoscopy or sonosalpingography.
  • Checking the male partner’s ability to produce enough good sperms and attain a good erection for doing sex through semen analysis and ultrasound

What are the treatment options after Fertility Check up?

  • Awareness and providing missing information and correcting wrong ones.
  • Taking medications by one or both partners
  • Performing surgery to one or both partners to correct a problem
  • Providing assisted reproduction techniques which include ovulation induction , IUI or IVF and ICSI.

Why choose Doctor Ashraf Sabry?

Dr. Ashraf Sabry , Fertility & OBGYN Consultant & Cosmetic gynecology surgeon is the best doctor in fertility check up due to his use of latest medical recommendations in addition to his experience formed through multiple years of work and testimonials of hundreds of his patients.

Book your appointment now or reach us for a consultation!